Sunday, September 14, 2008


Dorothy! Dorothy! It's Hurricane Ike!
After seeing more than a dozen cars wrecked on the side of the road and driving over two hours in blowing rain, we thought it might not be wise to build our nest on the, Kansas City! We'd never actually been to Kansas City, so we found a neat downtown hotel, the Phillips. The wind and rain came and went all through the night..... We rather liked our cozy digs on the 14th floor, looking out at the pidgeons hunkering down on a ledge across the street. Even pidgeons needed to find shelter last night!
Today it is blustery, 58••and starting to clear. The Tallgrass Prairie and the Flint Hills are the last points of interest we'll explore in Kansas. We plan on making it across the border into Colorado for a chilly night camping under the stars~

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