Wednesday, September 17, 2008

B&B Hell

Yesterday was such a mixed bag day....we left Ruth Ann and Jim's around noon...Jim headed out to cut wood on Boot Mountain and Ruth Ann, WFS and I went to Sagauche to see a friend and look at art. Saguache is a little artist enclave about 30 miles from the cabin. We had local cheeses, Ruth Ann's bread and wine for lunch with Kelsey. We lazed about in altitude dream land. Not a bad place to be. We had to meet Kathy and Sue for the next leg of our adventure, so we drove to Monte Vista. Luke and Laura's house, Home is a process, is located in Monte. We picked up our friends...Sue Duvall is 88 and game for anything. We drove out to the wetlands,,yes, there is a little nature preserve wetland near Monte....I was/am determined to see the sandhill cranes. I saw them in the sky, swooping over the wheat fields....their sounds are fascinating. However, as luscious as the golden ground appeared, they stayed in the sky....I WILL see them on the ground.
Home is a Process is worth a trip out west, scenery aside. Luke and Laura, a formidable team, have worked out every detail of what will be HOME. I think they should rename soon, Home is a Reality! This cozy home in the valley with the mountains ringing around every side, will be a masterful and environmental wonder. You can trust me on that. The back yard sings, even now, filled with construction debris.
We left Luke and Laura filled with the promise of what can happen in the valley...this soon was extinguished. We decided to stay in a B & B near Monte Vista...mainly for indoor plumbing and altitude adjusting for Sue and Kathy...I COULD with a book give you the awful details...., but never, no, never, stay in Aunt Gerta's aging 1960's abode passing as a B&B....I will tell you the blue carpet circa 1970 and the pink, barely working 1960"s bathroom, were bewildering to fastidious little me....HORRORS! What to do? The lady innkeeper wanted no part of our departing....we grouped in the garden and I was selected to tell the Pinocchio lie...anything to get out of there~~~~~~~~~~~~Suffice to say, it wasn't easy...this place wasn't cheap,price wise,, I went in to lock horns...we parted under a promise, if you don't re-rent tonight, we'll get in touch and work out 'something'...I left no forwarding address nor credit card number...Goodbye! It was a source of great amusement at dinner...We all met at the Alamosa Brew Pub...Housemade ales, Green chile guacamole burgers and hand cut local potato fries made the bad memory vanish. Our dinner was very, very good. I had a sasparillo to wash down my dinner and everyone else had beer...someone has to be responsible!
Jim and Ruth drove into the mountains, Luke and Laura to their cozy bed and we, the lost travelers, to a bed...not quite a palace, but reams better than the B&B Hell...
Tomorrow I will blog our last supper with the Christy's...Tomorrow will take us to Meas Verde....we will leave my sister,brother-in-law, nephew and niece behind.


Nancy said...

I am traveling along with your blog as well. What a great idea! Wish I was there to be with everyone, the mountains, the canyons, the sage, the chilies, the sopaipilla...

Tari said...

I cannot wait to hear the whole story! I wish that we were there as well.

Dan Dutton said...

Yes - it is neat to travel with the blogger!