Saturday, September 20, 2008


After leaving B&B hell~~~~ here is the rest of the story. We drove up to the Mountain top paradise of Ruth Ann and Jim... WFS and Jim played pool in Jim's shop.... It is a recently acquired table, left behind to some folks leaving for Florida.... Yippee! The guys had a great pool game. We girls took a long walk, the sun was warm but the air crisp...a lovely combination. We returned to the cabin, stoked up the woodstove....... I went out to dig potatoes and pick the fresh greens, Ruth Ann finished her breadmaking. The plate you see is the result... We had lamb sirloin with a Ginger, parsely,mint and yogurt gremalata. Fresh potatoes with dill, lightly steamed green beans and a salad the salad god would envy. We finished our meal with pears and cheese.... By the time Ruth Ann served those perfect pears, Jim and I were deep into a Scrabble game that lasted 'til the wee hours...not any ordinary Scrabble, a fast game of wit and wiles....whew, Jim is a formidable opponent. We left for Mesa Verde with our bellies full and our heads clear..
We stopped by Luke and Laura's, the can-do team. Standing by their door with my little laptop in hand... Dozer loaded on their truck and spirits that are so connected|~~~ they can and will do with a unity that is truly one complete entity. I can, if I ever get Internet service,blog my photo of them...,
Mesa Verde was grand in scope and humbling in beauty and stillness... Yes, you can escape the tour buses and rattle of the crowds by just walking away, into the great expanse.

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