Saturday, September 27, 2008

End of the Line

After 16 days on the road, the end of our journey is near... A mere 150 more miles and we'll be in Louisville. We camped in Caryle, Illinois last evening.... It was amazing to see so many people out camping for the weekend. We had driven 10, yes10, long hours yesterday..... The sky was moonless and dark as we set up camp... WFS went up about his chores and I fixed some dinner while we listened to the presidential debate on the radio... We needed time to unwind, so we sat by the fire for a long, long time after we finished our meal. We had a good long sleep and
a lazy last morning.
Our journey across country has consisted of 4500 miles and 94 hours of driving. (WFS loves statistics)...,
We've seen family, discovered new and exciting places, met some interesting people, ate some fabulous food, listened to hours & hours of talk radio, blogged countless hours on the iPhone.
Always hoping I would have a signal to post( sometimed not)....and most importantly just hanging out with the only other
person I have ever known who can spend all this time rattling across country with no particular place to go, the courageous, WFS~~~

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