Calling all wordsmiths! I need a word for better than perfection. All words will be considered on a word by word basis.
The weekend began a bit early as our dearest friend Cathy Loup arrived early Thursday morning from the Big Apple. Seeing our friend/kin aglow in an elegant green wrap, smiling ear to ear was just the best way to start the day!
We immediately started out hunting and gathering for the long trek home.....Dutton Hill Home! CL has the drill down, go to the little market across from Cave Hill, buy everything in sight, head on to The Wine Shop, taking John's advice on how to get the most remarkable spirits and wines( explaining bootlegging to CL was a complete hoot!!!!) This all came about when dearest CL said, as we sauntered from the Somerset Kroger store with buttermilk,..." should we pick up a few extra bottles of wine while we are out?" I spun a tale of going through the back roads to the bootleggers. Now CL will go for anything, so.....I had to reconsider that adventure~~~~~~But I digress...back to hunting and gathering. We stopped by Breadworks for the best sourdough bread( other than our home kitchens). We had lunch reservations at 221 Clover. This is a very civilized way to spend lunch. I thought it appropriate before we headed to uncharted territory. Our lunches were soooooooooo good, especially the desserts. CL's pot de creme( photo attached) was so rich we couldn't finish the serving. I kept poking at my apple tarte tatin...though I was stuffed to the gills, I couldn't resist the lure of caramel and apples.
We filled, yes fillled, the Conestoga Wagon with goodies and headed southeast to Dutton Hill. We made a detour through Shelbyville to meet AE~~~~He plied us with decadent chocolates, being girls on a bender, we ate them with great gusto...swearing we couldn't hold another bite.
We arrived on Dutton Hill just as the sun was dsappearing. We quickly headed out for the first of many walks across hallowed land. The sunset was so unbelievable...creeping in as the late afternoon quiet floats over the landscape. Dan had created an awesome dinner...spiced spareribs, root vegetables and bread pudding...I made a salad and we uncorked a very nice wine....we could only waddle to the sofa and let the day wind to an end.
Friday we had a great lunch of country ham hot browns and fruit....We all jumped in the Conestoga Wagon to see the fmaily cemetery and the civil war monument on Dutton Hill. WFS graciously drove and cared for Mom while the three of us explored our childhood playground. We skinnied down the steep cliff leading to Pete's Spring, our water and life source. Such memories. I always stand in complete awe when I think of my father and mother, with six kids, living in contented peace back in our tiny holler.
How lucky were we? Beyond words.
Our final event in Somerset was our mother's birthday party. We fried chicken, made biscuits, mashed potatoes and ate a scrumptious persimmon/black walnut birthday cake with gold leaf buttercream(photo above)~~ made by Dan. Donna and Bill Cox joined the birthday party . Donna made challah bread and carrot, cranberry salad. The Dutton's love to eat and cook and cook and eat. Our friends seem to narrow down to the foodies. I dare anyone NOT interested in food to stay one weekend in this food nirvana and NOT come away enthralled with what can happen in the wonderland of food. All the laughter, music and fun are a bonus.
WFS and I drove back late into the night....CL returned on Sunday after another food and fun evening with Dan,et al. We cherish time with CL. Truly our little sister. The report I have is: the Saturday night pozole was to die for.... as we were entertained by Miss Peggy P Saturday evening in Louisville, we had to miss the pozole and late night singing and dancing. Miss Peggy P had mussels and sopping bread. Ending the meal was a very interesting dessert. A lovely plate was delived with a thin biscotti, goat cheese, grapes and walnuts. A silver dish and ladle filled with honey followed .... a drizzle of honey over the goat cheese, then spread over the biscotti and chased with a grape made for a very, very nice finish to a great meal with five fantastic friends.
Can you say, overload?
Best. Weekend. EVER!! I am so blessed to be a Pulaski county girl. Love you lots, Miss Sarah, and your dreamy husband too. Thanks for spoiling me rotten.
You are amazing and deserve every little thing we can offer....but as a bona fide tribe member, you gotta take the hard knocks, as well!
Can we do this again soon?
wow that was a really good blog. sounds like a very fun weekend. that schimpff's candy rocked- i tried one of the buttercream balls and my god- my god
Hello! Good to SEE Ashley... A mystery no more!
Hello! Good to SEE Ashley... A mystery no more!
Hello! Good to SEE Ashley... A mystery no more!
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