For you that may not know, 'the garbage and the flowers' is from the Leonard Cohen song, Suzanne.
Dumpster diving and roadside pickings. We are terribly fascinated and addicted to this little game. Each quarter Louisville has free throw-away-day. You can actually put anything on the street and the city workers will drive their big diesel trucks by and whoosh it away....however, there are professional pickers, scrap junk haulers, bargain seekers, resale artists and moi...out scavenging about through the massive piles of stuff along the streets. Vying for the goodies. Supply and demand. Oh, the goodies we have found over the years! It is like Christmas with each find and since it is almost Christmas, these finds were even more lovely! The little buggy, now how cool is that? We intend to fill it with stuffed toys and scoot it under the tree....WFS thinks a kitty bed after the holidays! The vinegars are still quite nice( don't worry I won't re-gift them).......WFS has already whisked away the nice bent willow wreath to his office door. We were driving along about sunset yesterday, scurrying about with all the other loonies as Louisville prepared for its dusting of snow. Anyway, as we turned a corner, WFS said, "did you see that?!" I had not. He turned the Conestoga Wagon around and we headed back to the small pile on the curb...there it was, the baby buggy! 'Tis not a stroller nor carriage, it's a buggy! Inside the buggy were all sorts of goodies. We never look a gift horse in the mouth, so we loaded all of it in the CW for later investigation. It proved to have some very nice pickings. May all your Christmases be white, bright and filled with unexpected surprises is my mantra. Especailly if they just fall into your hands.
Now a little side story about my dear friend, Mairzey...After a few months in our fair city and carefully observing our "finds", she was driving through a very upscale neighborhood and noticed a lovely upholstered chair along the curb. She pulled to the curb and commenced to score her first roadside picking prize. Just as she was lifting the chair into her trunk, a voice yelled, "OH, NO! That is for our church, we're donating it." This story was chuckled over many, many times....I'm not sure if it has curbed( pun intended) Marizey's enthusiasm..
Happy pickings to all of you ~~~~~~~~~
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