Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 2 of the most excellent adventure

Last night we pulled into the campground "feeling 'bout half past dead," as the song goes. For all my camper friends, you know this means we still had at least 30-40 minutes of setting up and getting organized. The dusk was turning to dark and we needed to work quickly. Little Momo wanted a walk and exploring rights to his new surroundings. The brisk air was perfect for a romp through the woods. When we returned to campsite, WFS had completed the outside set-up and was chatting with the park ranger. Neither of us had the energy to build a fire, so, we scooped up Momo and a bottle of wine heading into Elsie, the Tin Can,for warmth and relaxation. I put my domestic goddess desires on hold, preparing a great chunk of cheese, crackers and delicious wine for our dinner. I topped my dinner off with a steaming cup of hot chocolate.
We found our books, pluffed up our pillows and read until exhaustion took us to dreamy land. Momo made his bed near my feet and did not move the entire night.
Morning brought bright sunlight filtering through the trees, hot coffee in my warm bed and a new adventure on the horizon.
We are scooting down I 65 toward one of my favorite places on the planet.. St Joseph's Peninsula on Apalachicola Bay


Jeff Sullivan said...

Camping with just the right amount of creature comforts...perfectly romantic!

SBD said...

JEff, it is the best of all travel modes. Nomadic and comfortable!