last night we stopped in Maryland. We found a very cool resort(WFS & moi in a resort!):-D. This one was located in Rocky Gap State Park and is situated right on the edge if a lake, with mountains on all sides. We dropped our jammies in the room and headed out on a two mile walk around the lake.... Dusk was falling in..... On the way, we found an avairy for wounded owls and hawks.... It was so amazing. They were roosting for the evening. Their home, deep in the forest, was contained but very much like being in the wild. We walked on and found a little footbridge leading across an inlet of the lake... We stopped. We were transfixed by the incredible night sounds and the patterns of ducks making V's across the water.... Our reverie was broken by an elderly black man trudging home from a day of fishing. The three of us visited for a bit while he cleaned his bait bucket.
Lest you, dear reader, should be lured into this idyllic evening ending here... I will give you balance...
We went to the resort for dining. It was a sea of Halloween Sweatshirts and a huge seafood buffet. If this needs further comment, you probably don't need nor want my point of view. If not, then you already know this is not my cup of tea!
Redemption in Philly tonight.
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