Today the rain came, slowly, quietly.
I was outside sweeping and raking....a few drops plopped down.
I rested my rake and took in the approaching smell of rain and autumn...
Much akin to stopping to smell the roses.
I had sheets hanging outside, so I sauntered over to the clothesline...the drops were coming in
furious little streams by the time I picked up my pace and rescued the sheets, dashing indoors.
I went back out to stand under the stoop, listening to and feeling the rain.
It has been coming down, steadily~~~~~~since.
Driven indoors, I had a notion to make pasta....WFS rarely ventures into the kitchen until clean-up time.....
Well, he DOES
venture in to keep me company, but, cooking chores are not his forte. Pasta making is the exception. He loves the pasta gadget, rolling the thin sheets and picking a "type" of pasta....
We lost our little drying rack, so we used rolling pins and spoons. Julia Child would approve.
I caramelized some sweet potatoes and finished them with fresh sage from the herb garden...then I
lightly tossed it all with clarified butter. The pasta was dreamy.
I also made a fennel, apple and radish salad with rice wine vinegar and olive oil....
We finished our meal with poached pears, whipped cream and ginger cookies...
If that doesn't carry us through the debate, what will?
Wish you all were here....Cathy, WFS thought you and Dan should have been here....
I add , for your pleasure, WFS & SBD's, PASTA!
Gee-whilikers that sounds (and looks) good! I put some cooked and diced sweet potatos, tumeric, and a tiny bit of brown sugar in some very moist cornbread the other day, &, of course, thought of you. Yes, we should all be together on a rainy day, smelling the fall and eating homemade pasta.
Don't we all wish we were there. The pasta looks wonderful! The rain made the farm smell heavenly as well. I went for an aromatherapy walk throught the grasslands and through the woods. Everywhere smelled so good.
Nancy, your blog and lovely sentiments always make me so happy...
so, a visit anytime and we'll amake a huge mess and hopefully, eat the pasta!
Awww, I would LOVE to have been there helping you hang pasta! I adore sweet potatoes. Dinner sounds fabulous, and the company even better.
very meal would benefit from you, dear Cathy.....
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