One of our very favorite places in Louisville is, Cafe Classico. The owner, Tommy Mudd, has created an international environment with the best coffee in town.
And the best atmosphere, not to mention his perfectly lovely servers. Weekends bring flamenco dancers, mid-eastern music, Spanish bands and people willing to share a table and conversation. George Wakim is guaranteed to please any night he is performing.
Some evenings we walk the 2 &1/2 miles down and enjoy any one of his entrees. The stroll back home is always filled with comments about the many friends we've made by just being "regulars".
Which brings me to our best night at Cafe Classico. Jaxon was here and we decided to have an evening out.
Jaxon KNOWS what he likes. This does not prevent him from being a very good dining companion, he just likes what he likes, no further comment. A very limited but discerning palate. We arrived early in the evening, he was ravenous. Orders were taken...He really, really wanted a Coca Cola in a small bottle he spied in the, okay, this would be a safe bet to appease him while we waited for the food. He did enjoy twirling the straw and discussing his day with the above mentioned lovely server.
Finally, Tommy appeared, personally delivering the first course, Belgian Fries. Jaxon's eyes were shining, " it's a miracle!" he exclaimed. Tommy has henceforth referred to his fries as miracle fires...They are, indeed.
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