Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Internet connections have been sporadic, that's a good thing. Seeing the wonders of the west have been thrilling, to say the least. We have yet to experience temps above 70 degrees! Nights have been brisk and the warmth of our sleeping bags have been very welcoming. We have eaten only one meal not made campside and/or some scenic overlook as we passed through four states. I love cooking on an open fire. Our tiny little stove provides instant( almost) boiling abilities., so, clean-up for WFS is a snap. "How," he asks, " can you cook like this making barely a mess, but, blow up half the state of KY when you cook in your home kitchen?" I have no explanation. None. We've had utterly delicious fare, buying our supplies at local farmer's markets and the best organic store, ever, in Trinidad, CA. Situated conveniently five miles from our most amazing high perch over the Pacific.
After following the Trinity River as it winds through the mountains of California, we reached the best National or State Park we've ever stayed in. Ever. The views were stunning. The hikes, treacherous and breathtaking. The beach, tranquil. I think we might have stayed a month, but, the coast of Oregon was just up the way, so.......
I might have mentioned I love the thought of no sales tax and no pumping gas, and views that never end. However, the best thing in Oregon is: coffee on every corner! Espresso, Latte, hot, dark and oh, so good to sip just before you step out into the ocean breeze, that for a southern girl, is downright cold!
Portland and Cathy tomorrow....Ann, Linda, Katherine and spouses. Doesn't get much better than this.

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