Thumbelina is in tatters! The garden has no shape , only barren patches where English Ivy used to reside. A huge dumpster sits squarely in the middle of what will be my new pavilion and garden entrance. She doesn't look too sad, though. If houses could talk, and I believe they can, she is sighing a huge sound of relief and anticipation. Speaking strictly for me, I cannot take another work week as intense as the last. Back breaking, mind numbing work consumed me last week. English Ivy is a stubborn bitch. Our large tree in the front yard was twisted to the top of the limbs with ivy. The coiled, thick cords were choking the life from the tree. Hopefully, it can recover.
Today, a faux chimney, going nowhere, will drop from the attic in 5 gallons buckets. Handyman Mike will fill and drop the bucket to me on a thick rope. I will grab the bucket, take outside and stack the old bricks in neat rows for repurposing, later. This sounds back breaking and mind numbing....but, gratefully, it isn't that cranky English Ivy!
Inside, we are planing the new state-of- the- art HVAC with high tech insulation. We are exploring the possibilities of a spiral staircase leading to the attic and a possible small room for our grandsons. We are tearing out the old cabinets and carpet and demolishing the bathroom.
Things should start to take shape for the rebuild near the middle of December.
I am always optimistic. Stop sniggering!
Who's sniggering? I'm in awe!
If it makes you feel any better, my bathroom is bare to the exterior walls and there is no floor except for some old dry rot. Remodeling makes a person appreciate clean sheets!
Can I book you for my house next? You are a dynamo!
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