Monday, February 23, 2009

DAN'S 50TH! 02-23-09

It would take more than this column to describe this beautiful, perfect, surprise party for Dan. We had his surprise party on Sunday afternoon, the day before his birthday...on the sound advice of our sister Phyllis. Mom and Dan are not easily pried from home and especially not at night. Travel is not easy for Mom. And harder for Dan. Cathy, Ruth Ann, WFS, Polly, Marion and Jason and Jaxon worked tirelessly to make this event happen. I can only say, how many people do you know, when you invite 25-30 family and friends will 100% of that number attend? Dan has that kind of friendship base...and I count myself amonst the luckiest. I have known him the entire 50 years....


Cathy said...

Best. Party. Ever.

Young Jaxon's knife skills are very impressive!

SBD said...

You are the Pied Piper with little furry things and smart boys!!!!!!
Best. Party. Ever.