Wanderlust: A strong impulse or longing toward wandering.
Those words truly sum up the TinCan trio. Momo actually KNOWS when we start loading the TinCan that travel is in the air. He goes on high vigil, monitoring each move toward the door. The days leading up to our exodus are fraught with details. After nearly 30 years of camping with WFS & spending the bulk of my life "wandering"

here or there, it should be second nature. I suppose it is but more often than not something is left behind. as soon as we see the dust in the rear view none of the details seem to matter. A certain giddiness takes over and the thrill of a new place, a great vista, a rustle in the woods, the trees dancing in the evening light, a dying fire as the night begins to chill... This is the lure. The absolute joy of life.
We have no agenda. We eat, we read, we sleep, we hike to see what we can see.
We cuddle with our sweet Momo.
Nothing matters and what if it did!