The past two days have been very active. Tuesday morning we awakened to the most incredible colors over the Gulf of Mexico. Pale shades of lavender and aqua bathed the morning sky. Heavier grey clouds were drifting in from the south. Suddenly, we heard a prehistoric sound from the marsh. A slate colored heron flew into the sky, emitting other-worldly sounds. We both stood spellbound. We stood silently watching the birds making their morning flights. How do you leave a place so fine? The call of the wild, I suppose. Always a new adventure just around the corner or down the road.
We packed up quickly as the skies were taking on a darker hue. We made our exit just as the first large drops of rain appeared on our windshield. WFS tuned in the radio... Yep, rain. In copious amounts. And, the rains came and the winds came and the tornado warnings came and the Duckie Express whipped about....... WFS powered on. We made our destination safe and sound.
We are camped under a canopy of live oaks, palmetto and chirping birds. A wonderful canoeing river meanders through the park. We'll explore hiking trails and the river today. Tomorrow we'll explore the beaches.
Now I am sure you are wondering, what does this have to do with the title of this blog?
When you are a girl of a certain age hanging with a man of a certain age and you begin to notice you are not as youthful as you used to be and, and, and....
All one needs to do is head south with the snowbirds... When the most exciting thing in your day is the pancake breakfast at the Nature Center...and the topic of conversation is your latest ailment/ surgery and the dog exchange info on walks is the best of all conversations.Not to mention the insider info about cheap eats! If you are the youngsters amongst the campers....
It is awesome! The sweetest people in the world inhabit state park camping communities.