The very minute I step inside Wiltshire on Market, I feel the vibe. A very good vibe. This comment seems a little dated, I know, but there doesn't seem to be another way to express the very eclectic , funky AND sophisticated feel of Wiltshire on Market. Susan Hershberg has chosen the atmosphere, staff, banquets, dinnerware and art with aplomb. Attention to detail, to the unobservant eye, might seem casual or maybe even flippant...however, careful observation shows it all works like smooth KY bourbon. Tari greets each guest as if it she is inviting them into her parlor. I know I have a bias....Having been in the biz, if I had Tari, back in the day, I would have treasured her. Jason Jennings and another sweet, sweet young lady anchor the bar and cover tables, as well. Both are gems in the trade. Colin Ming does a fine sub there, as well. At Wiltshire on Market, everyone is everywhere...making sure guests are advised, informed and served. This is no easy feat and is a big, huge failure in many restaurants.
So, after the vibe, we are seated. What to drink? On a recent visit, I was suffering from an allergy green tea with a kick! Allergies, all better. Wines: we've had lovely roses, bright, full bodies reds, crisp summery whites. Each server can tell you all you need to know or failing that, they will bring you a little sample. Can't beat that!
The menu is seasonal, adventuresome, carefully prepared and scrumptious. Chef Coby Ming has huge natural talent and does it in a tiny, little kitchen. A very European feel comes from the kitchen...wander in the back courtyard and you might see the chef grilling outside the kitchen door. Very Parisian. Her brief menu shines from appetizers to desserts. The memory of her gazpacho lingers and lingers and lingers. Gazpacho is an either/or for me.. Either great or forget it. Chef Ming had yellow gazpacho with smoked shrimp the night of my visit. The flavors swirled and melded like a beautiful dance~~~ and it danced through my mind for days. I started to make gazpacho from the garden but I decided to make other fresh tomato delights and savor my memory a few days more.
On a more distant visit, we took a dear friend from NYC and a world traveler and my nephew. We were seated in a banquet, served a variety of drinks and food. Our table was passing food from plate to plate, oohing and aahing over each bite. My NYC friend KNOWS her food and really, really knows service and atmosphere..I feel sure she will comment on Wiltshire and I am confident, she will agree, Louisville is very fortunate to have this new addition in the NULU district of Louisville.